Tithes & Offerings
To continue to facilitate your faithfulness in returning God’s tithe and the giving of your freewill offerings we would ask you to use internet banking.
This can be done at any time during the week by following the instructions detailed in the steps below.
Step 1: Make bank transfer
Bank account details:
Account Name: The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ireland – Cork
IBAN: IE96AIBK93329518659025
Please put your first name and surname on the reference when you make the bank transfer. If you do not do this the treasurer will not know who sent the money.
Step 2: Send the breakdown
Once you have made the bank transfer, please email us at cork.sda.treasury@gmail.com or you can send a WhatsApp message – so the treasurer knows the amount and destination of your donation, see below.
- Tithe.
- Local church budget offering.
- Sabbath School / World Mission offering.
- or other, please specify.
Thank you for your faithfulness.